Virtues of Learning The Hadith For Kids | Noor Academy

Virtues of Learning The Hadith For Kids, Determining the authenticity of hadith is enormously important in Islam because along with the Quran, the Sunnah of the Islamic prophet—his words, actions, and the silent approval—are considered divine revelation (wahy), and the record of them (i.e. hadith) provides the basis of Islamic law (Sharia)

what is hadith?

The Hadith is the collected traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, based on his sayings and actions. Each hadith usually begins with the chain of the narrators (isnad) going back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions, which is then followed by the text of the tradition itself.

hadith definition

a collection of traditions containing sayings and actions of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunna), constitute the major source of guidance for Muslims apart from al Quran.

What Does Hadith Mean? 

Hadith, sometimes written Hadeeth, a record of the Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) traditions or expressions, respected and accepted as a significant source of religious law and moral advice, second only to the authority of the Quran, Islam’s sacred book.

It may be characterized as Muhammad’s biography as preserved by the lengthy memory of his people for their illustration and obedience.

Hadith formation was critical throughout the first three centuries of Islamic history, and its study gives a comprehensive index to Islam’s intellect and culture.

What Are the 3 Categories of Hadith?

It was feasible to construct Hadith quality categories in all of these ways, as well as others involving greater detail. Traditions might be strong (Sahih), moderate (Hasan), or weak (Dai’f).

Other words in use at the time were “healthy” (Salih) and “infirm” (Saqim). Each of the three classes was subject to subgroups based on assessment refinements and, eventually, their status with the classic compilers.

Distinctions were less pronounced when the traditions were referenced for moral rather than legal meanings. Even if attorneys were compelled to omit or ignore a dai’f custom, it may be beneficial for preaching.

Traditions differed in strength based on whether one or more “companions” could be empirically verified, if the isnad had parallels, and whether they were uninterrupted back to Muhammad (Muttasil) or intermitted (Mawquf). The nuances in these and other problems were part of the active competence that accompanied the entire science.

What Makes a Hadith Weak?

The term da‘if refers to the classification of a hadith as “weak.” Ibn Hajar defined the cause of a hadith being classed as weak as “either a break in the chain of narrators or some critique of a narrator.

” This discontinuity relates to the omission of a narrator at various points during the isnad and is referenced to using particular terms as explained below.


The gap between the beginning of the isnad and the end of the collector of that hadith is known as muallaq (meaning “suspended”).

The omission of one or more narrators is referred to as muallaq. It also refers to omitting the full isnad, such as (an author) saying only: “The Prophet stated…” This also involves omitting the isnad save for the companion, or the companion and successor combined.


Mursal (meaning “sent or transmitted”): a hadith is mursal if the source between the Successor and Muhammad is excluded from a given isnad,

as when a Successor says, “The Prophet said…” Because Sunnis trust in the integrity of every Sahaba, they do not consider it an issue if a Successor does not specify which Sahaba he obtained the hadith from.

This implies that if a hadith has a permissible chain all the way to a Successor and the Successor assigns it to an unnamed companion, the isnad is accepted.

However, there are differing perspectives in several cases: If the Successor is young, it is likely that he ignored an elder Successor, who in turn reported from a companion.


Mu‘dal (troublesome) refers to the absence of two or more successive narrators from the isnad.


A munqati (unconnected) hadith is one in which the chain of individuals narrating the hadith (the isnad) is broken at any point.

The isnad of a hadith that seems to be muttasil, but one of the witnesses is known to have never received hadith from his direct authority,

despite the fact that they both lived at the same time, is munqati. It’s also used when someone says something like “A guy told me…”

Who Wrote the First Hadith Book?

The first hadith book was produced about 846 CE/232 AH by Persian scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari, whose Al-Jami al-sahih (“The Authentic Collection”) holds a special place in the respect and admiration of Muslims as a work of enormous historical relevance and deep devotion.

As a child, he made the pilgrimage to Mecca and collected traditions throughout his many travels. According to legend,

he was motivated to do his work after seeing the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) being nagged by flies while sleeping; flies that he (al-Bukhari) fanned off the Prophet’s face. 

The flies symbolized the fog of false traditions that obscured the genuine image, and the fan was its relentless rescuer. Whatever the reality of this story is, it embodies the spirit of al-Bukhari. 

His Sahih required 16 years of editing and examination. He included a total of 7,397 traditions with complete isnad.

Allowing for repetitions, the net total was 2,762, collected from more than 600,000 remembered elements, according to reports.

He divided it into 97 volumes and 3,450 chapters or subjects, repeating the traditions that bore on various issues.

Virtues of Learning Hadith for Kids

Hadith is a chronicle of the prophet Muhammad’s words, acts, and quiet approbation (PBUH). Our children can learn more about our mission in this world and profit from the wisdom contained in his hadith by studying it.

Teach your children Hadith that Every day, tell your children some Hadiths and have a discussion about them. This deed will plant the seeds of faith in their hearts.

Here are some virtues of learning Hadith for kids:

  1. It will motivate them to be better Muslims.
  2. Increase their love for the Prophet (PBUH) and his Sunnah in their hearts because the more we learn about him, the more we understand his position and are awestruck by his majesty.
  3. allow them to appreciate the depth, width, and complexity of the corpus of Islamic literature at an age when people are preoccupied with reading about other civilizations and fantasies. 
  4.  improve the speed and competence of reading Arabic for both readers and those listening to the recitation, which is a necessary skill for them at this age.
  5. It’ll increase their understanding of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) by reading the proofs on which the madhahib have based their judgments.
  6. improve their understanding of the Hadith terminology used by Muhaditheen when describing the news stories in their compilations.


How Can I Learn Hadith Online?

You can learn Hadith online via online Hadith courses. You can find these courses at Noor Academy ( house of Quran ).

In Noor Academy, tutors teach short Hadith for kids in Arabic and English to match their understanding.

It’s all a part of the cohesive Islamic Studies program.

You don’t need to search up “hadith of the day for kids” every day to teach your kids something new.

You can simply sign them up in this program and wait for them to get to the Hadith for the kindergarten level. 

By the end of each module, they can learn up to 30 hadith for kids and maybe more depending on their level and skills.

Related Questions

How Many Hadiths Are There In Total?

Sahih Muslim has 3,033 hadiths (without repetition) while Sahih al-Bukhari contains 2,600. Muslim scholars estimate that there are 1,400 genuine hadiths recounted in other books,

primarily the six major hadith collections.

How Many Hadith Books Are There?

There are six major Hadith books in the Sunni branch of Islam. Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslims typically having the greatest rank.

Sunan Abu Dawood, Jami’ al-Tirmidhi, Al-Sunan al-Sughra, and Sunan ibn Majah are the other hadith volumes.

What Is The Most Famous Hadith Book?

The most famous Hadith book is both Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Bukhari. They both enjoy high regard in the eyes of Sunni Muslims.

The best hadith books were produced by Sunni Muslim academics in the ninth century CE, almost two centuries after the death of Muhammad (PBUH).

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