Laam Shamsiya and lam Qamariya rules | Noor Academy

Today we will learn the rules of Laam Shamsiya and lam Qamariya in a simple and easy-to-understand way, but first, let’s understand what they both mean.

Shamsiya in Arabic.

Laam Shamsiya is used to call the lam which is written but not pronounced.

lam Qamariya in Arabic.

lam Qamariya is the lam that is both written and pronounced.

lam Shamsiya and Qamariya.

What do we mean by saying lam Shamsiya and laam Qamariyyah? We call it the second letter of (AL) which is the lam Shamsiya or Kamariya based on some rules.

In the lam Qamariya words like “the moon=,القمر” you will notice that the pronunciation of the word didn’t change at all. Therefore, it is called a static lam, why? Because it doesn’t change the movement of the letter that comes after it.

While in the case of lam al Shamsiya you will notice that the lam is not pronounced like when saying “the sun= الشمس” when you read it will be read “اشمس”. We remove the lam and put some stress on the following letter.

lam shamsiya and lam qamariya meaning.

In the Arabic language in order to define the noun, we add “AL” before it. The lam is called Shamsiya or Qamariya based on some rules.

First, laam Shamsiya and Qamariya differ in pronunciation. The Shamsiya is written but not pronounced, and as we said “al” is added to define the noun. But when we read the word, we will notice that the lam is not pronounced and that the letter that follows it is stressed.

Arabic lam Qamariya is both written and pronounced without changing anything.


lam Shamsiya and lam Qamariya letters

now we will learn about what is called Shamsiya letters and lam Qamariya letters. For example, in the word “sun” when we add “al” it becomes “the sun= الشمس” but pronounced “Ashmam”. We didn’t pronounce the lam here.

When we add “al” to the word “moon” it becomes “the moon= القمر” and is pronounced “Alqamar”. As you can see the lam is pronounced here without changing anything.


Now lets’ see which letters belongs to the lam shamsiya and which belongs to al qamariya:

The shamsiya letters are: [t / th / d / y / r / g / s / sh / r / z / i / y / n / l]

ت ث د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ن

The kamariya letters are: [a / b / c / h / k / p / g / q / s / k / m / e / f / j]

ا   ب   ج   ح   خ   ع   غ   ف   ق   ك   م   و   ه   ي


yaa – haa – waaw – meem – kaaf – qaaf – faa – ghayn – ‘ayn – khaa – haa – jeem – baa – alif


lam shamsiya and lam qamariya words.

To make it clear we will mention some examples to make it easier for you and try to test yourself.

Examples of lam shamsiya






Examples of the laam qamariyya







lam qamariya lam shamsiya
الأول التُّفاح
البرق الثَّوب
الجميل الدِّرهم
الحريَّة الذِّئب
الخليج الرِّحلة
الغلام السَّائح
الفم الشَّعب
القوم الصِّدق
الكلمة الضَّعيف
المكان الطُّيور
الهواء الظَّلام
الوحدة اللَّيل
اليوم النُّور


lam shamsiya and lam qamariya examples.

To understand more we will give you some examples two show you the difference in pronunciation between the lam Shamsiya and Kamariya when they come in a word. The first example is “the door=الباب,” how will you read it? It is read “albab=الباب  “, as you can see, here we pronounced the lam which means that AL here is lam Qamariya.

The letter that came after the lam didn’t change at all; therefore, the vowel used with AL- Qamariya is called Sukoon. We understand that when we see AL followed with one of the Qamariya letters then the lam is pronounced.

Another example is the word “the lesson= الدرس” the letter that follows al is د which is one of the Shamsiya letters. Then we will pronounce it as follows “Adars”, the lam is removed and there is a stress on the letter that follows it.

To sum what we said, lam Shamsiya affects the word and it is not pronounced, the letter that follows it is stressed. While in the Qamariya the lam is pronounced and doesn’t change the word and the movement of the following letter doesn’t change.

examples of lam shamsiya:

taa: Al-taa’iboona = At-taa’iboona

thaa: Al-thamaraati = Ath-thamaraati

daal: Al-daa‘eeya = Ad-daa‘eeya

thaal = Wal-thaariyaati = Wath-thaariyaati

raa: Al-Rahmaani = Ar-Rahmaani

zaal: Al-zaqoomi = Az-zaqoomi

seen: Al-saa’ihoona = As-saa’ihoona

sheen: Al-shamsu = Ash-shamsu

saad: Al-saalihaati = As–saalihaati

daad: Al-daalleena = Ad–daalleena

tah: Al-taammatu = At–taammatu

thah: Al-thaanneena = Ath–thaanneena

laam: Al-layl = A-llayla

noon: Al-naas = An-naasi

التاء:   التّين ، التّمر ، التّلال

الثاء:   الثّمر ، الثّعلب ، الثّوم

الدال:   الدّب ، الدّلو ، الدّرج 

الذال:   الذّيل ، الذّئب ، الذّهب

الراء:  الرّافعة ، الرّاحة ، الرّيم

الزين: الزّائر  ، الزّرافة ، الزّر

السين:السّعادة ، السّماح ، السّرير

الشين:الشّمس ، الشّعار ، الشّراب

الصاد: الصّياد ، الصّبر ، الصّقر

الضاد:الضّوء ، الضّياء ، الضّريح

الطاء: الطّائر ، الطّبل ، الطّاووس

الظاء:     الظّبي ، الظّل  ، الظّمأ

اللام:     اللّيل ، اللّون  ، اللّؤلؤ

النون:   النّافذة ، النّور ، النّورس

 لوح: اللّوح

 زمان: الزمان


Examples of lam qamariya:







Laam Shamsiya is used to call the lam that is written but not pronounced and it affects the letter that follow it.

lam Qamariya is the lam that is both written and pronounced and it doesn’t affect the letter that comes after it.

There are specific letters that when you see you will now if the lam is Shamsiya or Qamariya, and they are:

The shamsiya letters are: [t / th / d / y / r / g / s / sh / r / z / i / y / n / l]

The kamariya letters are: [a / b / c / h / k / p / g / q / s / k / m / e / f / j]




Sign up for Noor Academy’s arabic language course and let your children learn the accurate arabic online word pronunciation even if Arabic is not their first language.

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You may also find online arabic classes for kids if you want them to arabic pronunciation with you.

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