Battle of Uhud for kids benefit & lesson | Noor Academy

Teaching your kids about the battle of Uhud (Arabic: غزوة احد)is essential as they will learn many lessons from it, so let’s see how to teach them about it.

 Why Did the Battle of Uhud Happen?

Here is the battle of Uhud story, Uhud was the second battle between the Muslims and the disbelievers. After the Muslim’s victory in the battle of Badr even so they were only 300 men against 1000 Quraish men. That’s why Quraish leaders decided to avenge themselves, therefore they gathered 3000 men and headed toward Madinah to fight the Muslims.

They stopped near mount Uhud and waited for the Muslim army to prepare for the battle or to surrender. So the Muslim army gathered for the fight and they were only 1000 men, 300 of them withdrew, and the rest went to Mount Uhud.

And that’s how ghazwa e Uhud started. Even though the Muslims were outnumbered they were winning and the Quraish army started to retreat. Here was the biggest mistake that happened, the archer regiment that the prophet ordered to stay on the mount to prevent the disbelievers from attacking from the side or rear.

However, the archer regiment left their position to go after the belongings that the disbelievers left behind. This was when everything fell apart, the Quraish army took the opportunity and attacked the Muslims, gaining the upper hand and causing many losses to the Muslim army.

Lessons learned from the battle of Uhud for kids:

  •       We must always obey Allah and His Messenger.
  •       Allah does not simply guarantee victory to the Muslims.
  •       Avoid greed because it will cause you to lose.
  •       Always be kind to people. After the battle ended the prophet didn’t say anything to the people who ran of the battle or the archers for leaving their positions. He knew it was a mistake and they didn’t mean to do so. That’s what we should do in our lives, always treat people with kindness.  
  •       Allah always tests the believers: we should know that life is not easy, and we will always faith challenges and hardships. That’s how life goes instead of setting back and giving up we should always have faith in Allah and do our best to keep going no matter what happens or how hard the situation is. Allah will not put us to a test that we can’t overcome.

  When Did the Battle of Uhud Take Place?

So, When Was the Battle of Uhud? battle of Uhud date back to Saturday, 23 March 625 AD, it took place in the valley north of Mount Uhud. The prophet led an army of 700 men against 3000 men of the Qurayshi army led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb.

When Was the Battle of Uhud?

It was on Saturday, 23 March 625 AD

Who Won the Battle of Uhud?

In the beginning, the Muslim army was winning but when the Quraish army started to retreat, the archer regiment who were instructed to stay on the mount of Uhud no matter what happens left their positions which gave the opportunity to the Quraish army to attack them and change to defeat the Muslims army changing the outcome of the war.

That’s when many Muslims ran leaving the prophet and his faithful friends and believers behind not caring what will happen to them. However, Abu Sufyan chose to go back to Makkah instead of re-attacking the injured Muslims.

How Many Sahaba Were Martyred in The Battle of Uhud?

Many of the Muslims were killed among them was the prophet’s uncle Hamza. Here are the names of the people who died in the battle.

  1.     Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib
  2.     Anas bin an-Nadr al-Khazrajī
  3.     Unays bin Qatādah bin Rabī‘ah al-Badrī al-Awsī
  4.     Aws bin al-Arqam al-Khazrajī
  5.     Aws bin Thābit bin al-Mundhir al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  6.     Iyās bin Aws al-Badrī al-Awsī
  7.     Thābit bin ‘Amr bin Zayd al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  8.     Thābit bin Waqsh al-Awsī
  9.     Tha‘labah bin Sa‘d al-Khazrajī
  10.   Thaqf bin Farwah al-Khazrajī
  11.   al-Hārith bin Aws bin Mu‘ādh al-Badrī al-Awsī
  12.   al-Hārith bin‘Adī bin Kharashah al-Khazrajī
  13.   al-Hārith bin ‘Uqbah bin Qābūs al-Muhājirī
  14.   Hubāb bin Qayzī al-Awsī
  15.   Habīb bin Zayd bin Tamīm al-Awsī
  16.   Husayl bin Jābir al-Awsī, Abū Hudhayfa al-Yamān (father of Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman)
  17.   Hanzala bin Abī ‘Āmir al-Awsī
  18.   al-Hārith bin Anas bin Rāfi‘ al-Badrī al-Awsī
  19.   Khārijah bin Zayd bin Abī Zuhayr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  20.   Khidāsh bin Qatādah al-Badrī al-Awsī
  21.   Khallād bin ‘Amr bin al-Jamūh al-Badrī, al-Khazrajī
  22.   Khaythama bin al-Hārith al-Awsī
  23.   Dhakwān bin ‘Abdi Qays al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  24.   Rāfi‘, mawla Ghaziyya bin ‘Amr al-Khazraj
  25.   Rāfi‘ bin Mālik al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  26.   Rifā‘ah bin ‘Amr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  27.   Rifā‘ah bin Waqsh al-Awsī
  28.   Zayd bin Wadī‘ah al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  29.   Subay‘ bin Hātib al-Awsī
  30.   Sa‘d al-Badrī, mawla Hātib bin Abī Balta‘ah al-Badrī al-Muhājirī
  31.   Sa‘d bin ar-Rabī‘ bin ‘Amr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  32.   Sa‘īd bin Suwayd al-Khazrajī
  33.   Salamah bin Thābit bin Waqsh al-Badrī al-Awsī
  34.   Sulaym bin al-Hārith al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  35.   Sulaym bin ‘Amr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  36.   Sahl bin Rūmī al-Awsī
  37.   Sahl bin ‘Adī bin Zayd al-Awsī
  38.   Sahl bin Qays bin Abī Ka‘b al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  39.   Shammās bin ‘Uthmān al-Badrī al-Muhājirī
  40.   Sayfī bin Qayzī al-Awsī
  41.   Damrah bin ‘Amr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  42.   Qurrah bin ‘Uqba al-Awsī
  43.   Qays bin ‘Amr bin Zayd al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  44.   Qays bin Mukhallad al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  45.   Kaysān, mawla Banī ‘Adī bin an-Najjār al-Khazrajī
  46.   ‘Āmir bin Umayya al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  47.   ‘Āmir bin Mukhallad al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  48.   ‘Āmir bin Yazīd bin as-Sakan al-Awsī
  49.   ‘Abbād bin Sahl al-Awsī
  50.   ‘Ubbād bin al-Khashkhāsh al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  51.   ‘Abbās bin ‘Ubāda al-Khazrajī
  52.   ‘AbdAllāh bin Jubayr al-Badrī al-Awsī
  53.   ‘AbdAllāh bin Jahsh al-Badrī al-Muhājirī
  54.   ‘AbdAllāh bin Salamah al-Badrī al-Awsī
  55.   ‘AbdAllāh bin ‘Amr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī (father of Jabir ibn Abd-Allah)
  56.   ‘AbdAllāh bin ‘Amr bin Wahb al-Khazrajī
  57.   ‘Ubayd bin at-Tayyihān al-Badrī al-Awsī
  58.   ‘Ubayd bin al-Mu‘allā al-Khazrajī
  59.   ‘Utbah bin Rabī‘ bin Rāfi‘ al-Khazrajī
  60.   ‘Aqrabah al-Juhanī, Abū Bashīr al-Muhājirī
  61.   ‘Umārah bin Ziyād bin as-Sakan al-Badrī al-Awsī
  62.   ‘Amr bin Thābit bin Waqsh al-Awsī
  63.   ‘Amr bin al-Jamūh al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  64.   ‘Amr bin Qays bin Zayd al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  65.   ‘Amr bin Mutarrif al-Khazrajī
  66.   ‘Amr bin Mu‘ādh al-Badrī al-Awsī
  67.   ‘Antarah as-Sulamī al-Badrī, mawla Sulaym bin ‘Amr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  68.   Mālik bin Iyās al-Khazrajī
  69.   Mālik bin Khalaf al-Muhājirī
  70.   Mālik bin Sinān al-Khazrajī (father of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri)
  71.   Mālik bin Numaylah al-Badrī al-Awsī
  72.   al-Mujadhdhar bin Ziyād al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  73.   Mus‘ab bin ‘Umayr al-Badrī al-Muhājirī
  74.   Nu‘mān bin Khalaf al-Muhājirī
  75.   Nu‘mān bin ‘Abdi ‘Amr al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  76.   Nu‘mān bin Mālik al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  77.   Nawfal bin ‘Abdillāh al-Badrī al-Khazrajī
  78.   Wahb bin Qābūs al-Muhājirī
  79.   Yazīd bin Hātib al-Awsī
  80.   Yazīd bin as-Sakan al-Badrī al-Awsī
  81.   Yasār, mawla Abi’l Haytham bin at-Tayyihān al-Awsi
  82.   Abū Ayman, mawla of ‘Amr bin al-Jamuh al-Khazraji
  83.   Abū Habbah bin ‘Amr bin Thābit al-Badrī al-Awsī
  84.   Abū Sufyān bin al-Hārith al-Awsī (not the Meccan Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith)
  85.   Abū Hubayrah bin al-Hārith al-Khazrajī

How Badly Was Prophet Hurt at Battle of Uhud?

The prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) was badly injured, he was struck down by stones and arrows that wounded him in the face and broke one of his teeth.

How Many Muslims Fought in the Battle of Uhud?

The Muslim army contained around 1000 people, but 300 were part of the hypocrites and withdrew.

 What Is the Battle of Uhud?

Here is the history battle of Uhud, Uhud was the second battle between the Muslims and the disbelievers. After the Muslim’s victory in the battle of Badr even so they were only 300 men against 1000 Quraish men. That’s why Quraish leaders decided to avenge themselves, therefore they gathered 3000 men and headed toward Madinah to fight the Muslims.

They stopped near mount Uhud and waited for the Muslim army to prepare for the battle or to surrender. so the Muslim army gathered for the fight and they were only 1000 men, 300 of them withdrew, and the rest went to Mount Uhud.

And that’s how ghazwa e Uhud started. Even though the Muslims were outnumbered they were winning and the Quraish army started to retreat everything changed in the last minute.

Battle of Uhud results

Here was the biggest mistake that happened, the archer regiment that the prophet ordered to stay on the mount to prevent the disbelievers from attacking from the side or rear.

However, the archer regiment left their position to go after the belongings that the disbelievers left behind. This was when everything fell apart, the Quraish army took the opportunity and attacked the Muslims, gaining the upper hand and causing many losses to the Muslim army.

          “Allah did indeed fulfill His promise to you when you, with His permission, were about to annihilate your enemy, until you flinched and fell to disputing about the order, and disobeyed it after He brought you in sight (of the booty) which you covet. Among you are some that hanker after this world and some that desire the Hereafter. Then did He divert you from your foes in order to test you. But He forgave you, For Allah is full of grace to those  who believe.” (3:152)

 “ We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they joined others in worship with Allah for which He had sent no authority their abode will be the Fire and how evil is the abode of the Zalimeen (polytheists and wrong-doers). And Allah did indeed fulfill His Promise to you when you were killing them (your enemy) with His Permission; until (the moment) you lost your courage and fell to disputing about the order, and disobeyed after He showed you (of the booty) which you love. Among you are some that desire this world and some that desire the Hereafter. Then He made you flee from them (your enemy), that He might test you. But surely, He forgave you, and Allah is most Gracious to the believers.

(And remember) when you ran away (dreadfully) without even casting a side glance at anyone, and the Messenger (Muhammad) was in your rear calling you back. There did Allah give you one distress after another by way of requital to teach you not to grieve for that which had escaped you, nor for that which had befallen you. And Allah is Well-Aware of all that you do.

Then after the distress, He sent down security for you. Slumber overtook a party of you, while another party was thinking about themselves (as how to save their ownselves, ignoring the others and the Prophet) and thought wrongly of Allah – the thought of ignorance. They said, “Have we any part in the affair?” Say you (0 Muhammad): “Indeed the affair belongs wholly to Allah.” They hide within themselves what they dare not reveal to you, saying: “If we had anything to do with the affair none of us would have been killed here.” Say: “Even if you had remained in your homes, those for whom death was decreed would certainly have gone forth to the place of their death,” but that Allah might test what is in your breasts; and to Mahis to test, to purify to get rid of that which was in your hearts (sins), and Allah is All-Knower of what is in (your) breasts. ” Quran Ayah 3:151-154

battle of uhud hadith

(1) Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was climbing mount Uhud with Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, and it began to quake from them. The Prophet said, “Be still, Uhud! It is only a Prophet, a truthful man, and two martyrs upon you.

Source: sahih al-Bukhari 3472

(2) Anas ibn Malik reported: On the day of Uhud, the front teeth of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, were broken and his head was wounded. The Prophet said, “How will a people succeed who have wounded their Prophet and broken his teeth, while he calls them to Allah?” Then, Allah Almighty revealed the verse, “You do not have any decision in the matter, whether He will forgive them or punish them. Verily, they are wrongdoers.” (3:128)

Source: Sahih Muslim 1791

(3) Aisha reported: She asked the Prophet, “Have you encountered a day harder than the battle of Uhud?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Your tribes have troubled very much, and the worst was the day of Aqaba when I presented myself to Ibn Abd Yalail ibn Abd Kulal and he did not respond to what I intended. I departed, overwhelmed with excessive sorrow, and I could not relax until I found myself at a tree where I lifted my head towards the sky to see a cloud shading me. I looked up and saw Gabriel in it. He called me saying: Allah has heard your people’s saying to you and how they have replied, and Allah has sent the Angel of the Mountains to you that you may order him to do whatever you wish to these people. The Angel of the Mountains greeted me and he said: O Muhammad, order what you wish, and if you like, I will let the mountains fall on them.” The Prophet said, “No, rather I hope that Allah will bring from their descendants people who will worship Allah alone without associating partners with him.”

Source: sahih al-Bukhari 3231, sahih Muslim 1759

 What Year of Hijrah Did the Battle Of Uhud Happen?

It was on the 7 of Shawwal, 3 AH.

Who Led the Battle Of Uhud?

The prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) led the Muslim army while The Qurayshi Meccans were led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb.

Who Ran Away from The Battle of Uhud?

The hypocrites were the ones who chose to run away from the battle, one of the battle of Uhud facts is that the Muslim army was only 1000 men and 300 of them withdrew. Even though they didn’t retreat or lose their belief in Allah.

Who Was Guarding Mount Uhud During the Battle of Uhud?

The archer regiment was stationed on the mount Uhud to prevent the disbelievers from attacking from the side or rear.

Who Was the Leader of Quraish in the Battle of Uhud?

Abu Sufyan ibn Harb was the leader of the Quraish army.

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