learn Noorani Qaida online | Noor Academy

learn Noorani Qaida online In this article, we will understand together what is Noorani Qaida, how to learn it, and much more, let’s get started.
What is Noorani Qaida?
Norani Qaida is the simplest way to learn both, the Arabic language and the holy Quran recitation. It is suitable for teaching non-Arabic speakers whether kids or adults the read way to read the Quran in Arabic and the right rules of pronunciation.

How did it start? There’s a Sheikh from India called Noor Muhammed Haqqani, who compiled al Noorani Qaida, and it was named after him ‘Qaida Noorania’.

You will learn how to pronounce each letter and how to spell a whole word by connecting a bunch of letters. You will practice your Arabic reading by reading verses from the holy Quran. Therefore, you will master your Quran recitation in no time.

The basics included in Noorani Qaida learning:

In it you will learn the right rules of pronunciation of the Holy Quran, here are some of the things you will learn:

  •       Learning the Arabic Alphabet and its different shapes.
  •       Consonants.
  •       Short vowels “sounds of Dammah, Fatha, and Kasrah”
  •       Long vowels, Tnween, Noon Sakenah.
  •       Soft vowels “Huroof Leenah”
  •       Raa and Laam rules.
  •       Where to pause and where to stop, which is called” Waqf Rules”
  •       Tashdid, Tashdid with Sukoon, Tashdid after Madd.

How to learn Noorani Qaida?
There is Noorani Qaida book in English that you could download and study it on your own, or you can learn it online. Here are some tips to help you learn online.
1-     Learn the Pronunciation of the Arabic alphabet.
The first step is learning the right pronunciation of the Arabic letters and how they change their shape according to their place in the word.

You can learn that online with a professional tutor by enrolling yourself in an Noorani Qaida online course, or you can learn it online, search for Arabic alphabet songs and pronunciation and repeat afterward. Once you master that you can move to the next step.  

2-     Mix letters together to make a word.
Once you learn the right pronunciation of the letters you can start learning how to combine them together to make a whole word. You will learn that also with the teacher if you are enrolled in an online course or you can learn it from Arabic learning tutorials.  

Once you have learned how to pronounce words correctly, you will move forward with the compound syllables. In this step, your teacher will teach you how to mix letters together to form a word with a
3-     Learn vowels.
Vowels refer to the small marks written above the letters; it shows the reader how the letter is pronounced in this word. Once you learn this step you will master your Arabic reading and can recite the holy Quran without facing any struggles.

Those easy steps are your key to learning the Noorani Qaida on your own.
 How to read Noorani Qaida?
We mentioned the Norani Qaida book above, you can download it or buy it. The book consists of 17 lessons (chapters) that you should study sequentially, you can’t skip a lesson, it’s really important to learn them in the right order. In the first lesson, you will learn the Arabic alphabet and as you move forward you will learn the basic Tajweed rules of the Holy Quran. after each lesson you will find exercises, you should solve them to ensure your understanding.

Once you master the Noorani Qaida lessons you will be able to read any Arabic text easily.
 Noorani Qaida English
Noorani Qaida courses are available in many languages and one of them is English, so, you can easily enroll yourself in a course or even download the English version of the book and learn it on your own.

The book consists of 17 lessons that you should study in the right order without skipping a lesson, here are what you will find Noorani Qaida book in English:

  •       Lesson 1: The alphabet. Through the lesson, you will learn how to pronounce each letter and its different shapes according to its place in the word.
  •       Lesson 2: The joint letters. You will learn how to make a word by mixing the letters.
  •       Lesson 3: The Muqatta’at letters.
  •       Lesson 4: The movements.
  •       Lesson 5: The tanween.
  •       Lesson 6: The tanween and movements.
  •       Lesson 7: standing Fatha, Kasra, and Dhuma.
  •       Lesson 8: The Madd o leen.
  •       Lesson 9: Exercise of movements.
  •       Lesson 10: The Sakoon and Jazm.
  •       Lesson 11: The exercise of Sakoon.
  •       Lesson 12: The Tashdeed.
  •       Lesson 13:Exercise of Tashdeed.
  •       Lesson 14: Tashdeed and Sakoon.
  •       Lesson 15: Tashdeed with Tashdeed.
  •       Lesson 16: Tashdeed with Haroof Maddah.
  •       Lesson 17: Ending of rules.

Arabic alphabet Noorani Qaida.
The first lesson in the Noorani Qaida book is the Arabic letters, through it you will learn the right way to pronounce each letter.

Here is the Arabic alphabet:

ا A  
ج J


ش   SH  
ص S  


ع A  


و   W  


 Arabic Noorani Qaida

The Arabic Noorani Qaida Book is a book that teaches the right way to pronounce the letters, the Tajweed rules, how to combine letters to make a whole word, constants, vowels, and more. It’s a book that helps you have a solid basic of the Arabic language and the Quran recitation.  
Complete Noorani Qaida
The book consists of 17 lessons that you should study in the right order without skipping a lesson, here is what you will find in Noorani Qaida‘s book in English:

  •       Lesson 1: The alphabet. Through the lesson, you will learn how to pronounce each letter and its different shapes according to its place in the word.
  •       Lesson 2: The joint letters. You will learn how to make a word by mixing the letters.
  •       Lesson 3: The Muqatta’at letters.
  •       Lesson 4: The movements.
  •       Lesson 5: The tanween.
  •       Lesson 6: The tanween and movements.
  •       Lesson 7: standing Fatha, Kasra, and Dhuma.
  •       Lesson 8: The Madd o leen.
  •       Lesson 9: Exercise of movements.
  •       Lesson 10: The Sakoon and Jazm.
  •       Lesson 11: The exercise of Sakoon.
  •       Lesson 12: The Tashdeed.
  •       Lesson 13:Exercise of Tashdeed.
  •       Lesson 14: Tashdeed and Sakoon.
  •       Lesson 15: Tashdeed with Tashdeed.
  •       Lesson 16: Tashdeed with Haroof Maddah.
  •       Lesson 17: Ending of rules.

In the first lesson, you will learn the Arabic alphabet and as you move forward you will learn the basic Tajweed rules of the Holy Quran. after each lesson you will find exercises, you should solve them to ensure your understanding.

Once you master the Noorani Qaida lessons you will be able to read any Arabic text easily.
 Noorani Qaida Tajweed rules.
Tajweed of the Quran is a combination of rules that we use to read the holy Quran correctly and to ensure our right pronunciation of the letters. The rules of Tajweed include the sounds of the letters, and when to open them or hide them, in addition to many other rules.

Why we should learn the Tajweed rules? Because our beloved prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said:

“The one who was devoted to the Qur’an will be told on the Day of Resurrection: ‘Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.”

What you will learn through the Noorani Qaida course includes:

  1.     Al-Isti’aatha.

Al-Isti’aatha means to say “A‘oothu billaahi min al-shaytaani al-rajeem” before you start reciting the holy Quran to seek refuge with Allah and ask for protection from the Shai’tan.

  1.     Al-Basmalah

Before you start reciting the verses of the holy Quran you should first say “Bismillahi al-rahmani al-raheem” after you say the Isti’aatha. It is recited before every Surah except surah AL-Tauba.

  1.     Noon and Meem Moshaddadah

From its name, these rules apply when finding any of the two letter noon (ن) and meem (م) with a shaddah on it to be written as (نً / مً ) while including Ghunnah of 2 beats.

  1.  Al Qalqalah

tajweed rules qalqalah refers to making a vibration sound at the end of pronunciation of the following letters: Qaaf (ق), Ttaa(ت), Baa(ب), Jiim(ج) or Daal(د). And you apply this rule when you find sukoon or shaddah on the letter and the rule includes minor, medium, and major.

  1. Noon Sakinah and Tanween

Among the list of tajweed rules is the rule of Noon Sakinah and Tanween. When you find the mark of sukoon on the letter noon (ن) or when you find the tanween then this rule is applied. Notice that tanween refers to pronouncing noon Sakinah at the end of the word without writing it, it is written as (اً). The rule includes Izhaar, Idghaam, Iqlaab, and ikhfa rules tajweed.

Sign up for Noor Academy’s Quran for kids courses and let your children learn the accurate Quran online recitation and word pronunciation even if Arabic is not their first language.

Quran teaching for children in Noor Academy is fun as well as structured, they’ll learn with Noor Kids;

Noor and Nora ( House of Quran ) will be their friends during this amazing journey.

You may also find online Quran classes for children if you want them to memorize Quran with you.

Our Quran teacher Arabic teacher, Islamic Studies teacher, and tajweed teacher will be their friends during this amazing journey.

Noor Academy learning can be challenging if you’re seeking it for your kids.

Noor Academy offers you a wide variety of topics to teach your children online.

Noor Academy’s experienced live tutor ( male teacher & female teacher ). They have many years of experience in Teaching Arabic online, Islamic studies online, and the Quran online to non-Arabic speakers.

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