The Best Arabic Learning for Kids Online: A Comprehensive Guide

the best Arabic Learning for Kids Online, you’re in the right place! Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you find the most effective and engaging platforms for teaching Arabic to children

Did you know that Arabic is the fifth most spoken language worldwide? Yes, with more than 420 million speakers around the world.

Arabic is an official or co-official language in 26 countries. Teaching Arabic to your kid is of great importance to their future. Arabic Learning for Kids will open up many opportunities for your little one. Therefore, you should start teaching Arabic to your kid.

Why learn and teach your child Arabic, and how to do so easily? Let’s find out.  

Why learn Arabic?

There are many reasons why your kid should start learning Arabic some of which are:

1. High demand for Arabic speakers.

There’s a high demand for Arabic speakers in U.S. government agencies. Not just in U.S. government agencies, you can work anywhere whatever your field is. Learning Arabic will open many doors for you or your kid, especially with the current high demand for Arabic speakers.


2. Gain valuable opportunities.

Arabic is one of the languages that give you the opportunity to travel to any Arab country you want or even work from your own country. You can travel to an Arab country for work or to study.


3. Gain international experience.

When you are an Arabic speaker, you get the opportunity to study abroad in one of the Arabic-speaking countries. You get to learn about their unique cultures and the second-largest religion, Islam.


4. Offers greater travel opportunities.

Many people travel to France and Spain but only a few get the opportunity to travel to one of the Arab countries. Let it be for work, study, business trips, or even for fun, learning the Arabic language gives you this opportunity.


5. Learn the dialect that most interests you.

There’s a variety of Arabic dialects to choose from, each one is unique and beautiful in its own way. And Arabic dialects are much easier to learn than Modern standard Arabic. Choose the one that interests you and start learning it.


The benefits of learning Arabic for kids.

Arabic learning for kids can greatly enhance their cognitive skills, creativity, enhance their memory, and more.

1. Arabic is a beautiful and fun language to learn.

Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world with more than 420 million speakers. It’s a fun, lyrical, and beautiful language to learn. It is important to learn Arabic online for kids as it will give them the opportunity to learn and discover the unique and beautiful Arab culture, and the second-largest religion, Islam.      

Learning Arabic can open up many great job opportunities for your kid in the future. Also learning different languages will help your kid learn about the unique cultures and open their minds to accept and understand them.  


2. learning Arabic will help your kid understand Quran.

To understand Quran and its verses your kid should be able to read Arabic. They will be able to learn about Islam, its history, and its culture.


3. Better job opportunities.

Learning Arabic will open many great job opportunities for your kids in the future, especially with the increasing demand for Arabic speakers.


4. Learning Arabic helps improve cognitive skills and memory.

Learning new languages can greatly develop kids’ cognitive skills and memory. Because when learning a new language both sides of the brain will work equally which leads to better problem-solving skills, enhanced concentration, and increased mental agility.


How to teach Arabic to kids?

Arabic learning for kids online can be fun and enjoyable, they get to meet new friends and learn about different cultures. Additionally, it enhances their cognitive skills, memory, and creativity. And here’s how you can teach Arabic to your kid online easily.


Tips for teaching Arabic to kids online.

Here’re some tips that will make Arabic learning for kids fun and easier than ever:

1. Teach them the Arabic alphabet.

It’s normal for you not to know how to start teaching Arabic to your kid and where to start. And the answer is always to start with the basics. Start teaching them the Arabic Alphabet, and how to read and write them. How they change their shapes depends on their place in the word.

Here’s the Arabic alphabets table that shows you the letters, how to pronounce them, and their different shapes to make it easier for you:

letter Name Forms
أ alif Isolated: ا
    End: ـا
    Middle: ـا
    Initial: ا
ب baa Isolated: ب
    End: ب
    Middle: ـبـ Initial: بـ
ت taa Isolated: ت
    End: ـت
    Middle: ـتـ
    Initial: تـ
ث tha Isolated: ث
    End: ـث
    Middle: ثـ
    Initial: ثـ
ج jiim Isolated: ج
    End: ـج
    Middle: ـجـ
    Initial: جـ
ح haa Isolated: ح
    End: ـح
    Middle: ـحـ
    Initial: حـ
خ khaa Isolated: خ
    Middle: ـخ
    End: ـخـ
    Initial: خـ
د dal Isolated: د
    End: ـد
    Middle: ـد
    Initial: د
ذ dhal Isolated: ذ
    End: ـذ
    Middle: ـذ
    Initial: ذ
ر raa Isolated: ر
    End: ـر
    Middle: ـر
    Initial: ر
ز zayn Isolated: ز
    End: ـز
    Middle: ـز
    Initial: ـز
س siin Isolated: س
    End: ـس
    Middle: ـسـ
    Initial: سـ
ش shiin Isolated: ش
    End: ـش
    Middle: ـشـ
    Initial: شـ
ص Saad Isolated: ص
    End: ـص
    Middle: ـصـ
    Initial: صـ
ض Dhad Isolated: ض
    End: ض
    Middle: ـضـ
    Isolated: ضـ
ط Taa Isolated: ط
    End: ـط
    Middle: ـطـ
    Initial: ط
ظ Dhaa Isolated: ظ
    End: ـظ
    Middle: ـظـ
    Initial: ظـ
ع hain Isolated: ع
    End: ـع
    Middle: ـعـ
    Initial: عـ
غ ghain Isolated: غ
    End: ـغ
    Middle: ـغـ
    Initial: غـ
ف faa Isolated: ف
    End: ـف
    Middle: ـفـ
    Initial: فـ
ق qaaf Isolated: ق
    End: ق
    Middle: ـقـ
    Initial: قـ
ك kaaf Isolated: ك
    End: ـك
    Middle: ـكـ
    Initial: كـ
ل laam Isolated: ل
    End: لـ
    Middle: ـلـ
    Initial: لـ
م miim Isolated: م
    End: ـم
    Middle: ـمـ
    Initial: مـ
ن nun Isolated: ن
    End: ـن
    Middle: ـنـ
    Initial: نـ
ه haa Isolated: ه
    End: ـه
    Middle: ـهـ
    Initial: هـ
و waw Isolated: و
    End: ـو
    Middle: ـو
    Initial: و
ي yaa Isolated: ي
    End: ـي
    Middle: ـيـ
    Initial: يـ


To make the learning process fun you could teach them through games and activities. For example, you could play Playdough with them and ask them to shape the different letters.

Use Arabic flashcards, you could ask your child to match the letter with its name, match the letter with an animal name that starts with it, or even play a word game. You could ask them to try and make up a word out of the letters they have.

Additionally, you could take advantage of their love to draw and color and use coloring and writing activity books. And make them listen to Arabic alphabet songs, this way they will learn the Arabic alphabet faster and will never forget it.

2. Start with the Basics of Arabic.

The second step is to teach them common Arabic words and phrases that are used in daily life situations. This will greatly strengthen their foundation and grasp of Arabic learning and will help them move forward.

Peace be upon you As-aalaam alaikum السلام عليكم
Good morning Sabah al-khair صباح الخير
Thank you Shukran شكرًا
Delicious  Lazeeza لذيذ
Beautiful  Jameel جميل
God willing Insha Allah إن شاء الله‎
Let’s go Yalla يللا
Yes naäam.  نعم
No. laa لا
Please. min faDlik من فضلك
You’re welcome. äafwan.  عفوًا
Good evening. masaa’ alkhayr.  مساء الخير
Good night. tuSbiH äalaa khayr.  تصبح على خير


Some of the basic phrases includes:

What’s your name? = ما اسمك؟ – Ma esmuka?

My name is ______. = اسمي هو- Esmi huwa

How are you? = كيف حالك؟ – Kayfahaluka

I’m fine = انا جيد- Ana jayyed

Please = لو سمحت- Law samaht

Thank you = شكرا لك- Shukran

You’re welcome= عفوا – Afwan

I’m sorry = انا آسف-  Ana asef

Where is the bathroom? =  أين الحمام؟ – AynaAl hammam?

Where is the service station? = أين محطة الخدمة؟ – AynaMahatat Al khedmah?

Help! = مساعدة! – Mosa’adah!

I don’t speak Arabic = انا لا اتكلم العربية- Ana la atakallamu Al arabiyyah.

Could you speak slower, please? = هل يمكنك التحدث بشكل أبطأ من فضلك؟ – hal yumkinuk altahaduth bishakl ‘abta min fadlika?

How do you say____ in Arabic? = كيف تقول ______ بالعربية؟ – KayfaTaqul ______ Belarabiyyah?

Hi = أهلا- Ahlan

What’s up? = ماأخبارك؟ – Ma Akhbarakura?

Nice to meet you = سعيدبلقائك – Ana Saeed Beliqa’ak (M) / Belqa’ak (F)

What do you do for a living? = ماذاتعمل لكسب عيشك؟ – Matha Ta’amalu Likasb Ayshuka?

Where do you work? = أينتعمل؟ – Ayna Ta’amalu (M) / Ta’amali (F)?

What is your occupation? = ماهيمهنتك؟ – Ma heya Mehnatuka (M) / Mehnatuki (F)?

I work as a_______ = أناأعمل ك _____ – Ana A’amalu Ka _____

I’m lost = أنا تائه. – Ana Ta’eh

Do you speak English? = هل تتكلم بالإنجليزية؟ – HalTatakallam Beler?

Where’s the_____? = اين ال_____؟ – Ayna Al _____?

I can’t find______ = لا أجد- La ‘ajid

Does this bus go to______? = هل تذهب هذه الحافلة إلى______؟ – Hal tadhhab hadhih alhafilat ‘iilaa

I’m allergic to______ = ______ لدىحساسيه من – Hal Tath.hab Hathehy Alhafelah ela ______.

I want a ticket to ______, please. = أريد تذكرة إلى ______ من فضلك. – UriduTadhkarah ela ______ min fadlika.

How much does this cost? = كم يكلف هذا؟ – Kam yukalif hadha?

Can I use your Wi-Fi? = هل يمكنني استخدام شبكةWi-Fi الخاصة بك؟ – Hal yumkinuni astikhdam shabakat Al Wi-Fi Alkhasah bika (M) / biki (F)?

Do you have any vegetarian dishes? = هل لديك أي أطباق نباتية؟ – Hal ladayk ‘ayu ‘atbaq nabateyyan?

Can I have the bill, please? = هل يمكنني أن احصل على الفاتورة من فضلك؟ – Hal yumkinuni ‘an ahsul AlaAlfatorah min fadlika?

How are you? kayfa ḥālak كيف حالك؟

Long time no see – lam naraka mundhu muddah – لم نرك منذ مدة


Good luck! – bit-tawfīq – بالتوفيق!

Have a nice day  – atmna lk ywma tyba – اتمنى لك يوما طيبا

Have a nice meal – bil-hanā’ wa ash-shifā’ – بالهناء والشفاء / بالهنا والشفا

Have a good journey – riḥlah saʿīdah – رحلة سعيدة

successful journey – riḥlah muwaffaqah – رحلة موفق

Do you understand? – hal tafhamu? –  هل تفهمُ؟

I understand – ana afham – أنا أفهم

I don’t understand – lā afham – لا أفهم

I don’t know – la a‘lamu – لاأعلم

Please speak more slowly -takallam bibuṭ’ min fadlak – تكلم ببطء من فضلك

Please say that again – a’id min fadlak! – أعد من فضلك

Please write it down – uktubhā min fadlak – أكتبها من فضلك

How do you say … in Arabic? – kayfa taqūlu kalimah … bil-‘arabīyah? – كيف تقول كلمة … بالعربية؟

How much is this? – bikam hādhā? – بكم هذا؟



3. Read Arabic stories.

Kids love stories and they learn a lot from them. To take advantage of that you should read Arabic stories to your kids to help them learn Arabic. Make Arabic stories part of their daily routine. Read them short Arabic stories with simple words, this will enrich their Arabic vocabulary and will be a fun and enjoyable way to learn.

There are many Arabic kids’ stories online or you could buy them. Just make sure to choose the stories that interest them and are suitable for their age. And don’t forget to change your tone of voice depending on the scene and characters to make it more realistic to them.


4. Have fun with your child!

Making Arabic learning for kids easy is up to you. you can play different games with them like Arabic word hunting. It’s a fun and interesting activity to play with them. Ask your kid to search for a specific word among the many words.

You could also play Arabic letters games quiz. You can play it with your kid in a variety of ways. For example, you could put a punch of Arabic letters flashcards in front of them and ask them to find a specific letter, ask them to match the letter with its name, or whatever comes into your mind.

You could also play Arabic alphabet puzzles with them or use Arabic flashcards and let them try to match the letters with their shapes or animals with their Arabic names. These are all great ways to help your kid learn Arabic in a fun way.


5. Listen to kids’ Arabic songs.

Songs are one of the best ways to help your kid learn Arabic online. Kids tend to memorize with the help of songs much faster than in the normal way. You could sing them Arabic lullabies and kid’s songs. Try to make it a main part of your kid’s routine, play Arabic alphabet songs, or Arabic word songs and repeat them to your kids so they can memorize them easily. Because repeating songs to them will enhance their memory and they will become familiar with the lyrics. This will make them learn Arabic words and phrases unconsciously.

You could also read the lyrics and explain their meaning to them and sing it together.


6. play Arabic games.

Kids get bored fast and to avoid this, games are your solution. It’s fun to learn Arabic while playing, this will attract their interest, and be fun and enjoyable for them. Actually, not just for them, you will have fun while teaching your kids Arabic.

With Noor Academy, your kid will learn through fun games and will meet new friends to encourage him to keep going. Teachers at Noor Academy know what kids need and they tailor the lessons based on that.


7. Watch Arabic videos.

It’s a good idea to let your kid watch Arabic cartoons as they will learn a lot from them and will catch the Arabic language fast without even trying. Choose a cartoon that is suitable to their age and watch it together. If they don’t understand anything explain it to them.


8. Enroll them in online Arabic classes for kids.

Online Arabic classes will help your kids learn the Arabic language best with the help of professional tutors who know what your kids need and the best methods to teach them. Online Arabic courses will improve their Arabic greatly. Also, they will meet new friends in the course which will encourage them to continue learning.

Because we know it’s challenging to find good Arabic courses online to help your kids learn the Arabic language. And that teaching the language, yourself to your little kid is even harder, and how eager you’re to find Arabic classes online that are suitable for your kids and will help them develop their language skills fast and effectively. We provide you with Noor Academy Arabic learning classes that will boost your kids’ Arabic in no time with the help of fun and interesting games.

Noor Academy has the best Arabic language course that suits your kids. Our teachers are native, professional, and highly qualified teachers who will take the hands of your little kids and guide them all the way to becoming fluent in Arabic. Our online Arabic classes are specially made to meet your child’s needs, with highly organized curricula. Plus, our course is more cost-effective than other alternatives.

Our special course will improve your child’s skills, including Arabic reading, writing, speaking, and listening. By the end of the course, your child will be able to make a whole conversation, understand what they hear, recite the Holy Quran correctly without stumbling, and understand its verses. That is what makes our Arabic language lessons special. It’s a dream for all Muslim parents to see their kids reciting the Holy Quran in Arabic. And we will help you achieve that dream in no time.


Online Arabic learning resources.

There are many Online Arabic learning resources out there but it’s hard to find what is suitable for your kid. Some of the resources include learning Arabic books, apps, courses, and more. Choosing the right learning resources will defiantly boost your child’s learning. So, here’re some of the best websites and channels to help your kid learn Arabic online.



One of the best language apps is Duolingo it’s suitable for beginners as well as advanced learners. With the help of this app or website, your Arabic learning for kids becomes fun and easy. They will practice their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills with the help of fun games and lessons.



Another great app and website to teach Arabic to your kid online are Busuu. It provides a complete Arabic course starting from Arabic letters and basic Arabic phrases and words for beginners all the way to complicated topics to ensure child learning.


Learn Arabic with

Learn Arabic with is a YouTube channel that has a YouTube playlist called “Arabic Made Easy – All Arabic Compilations” In this playlist, you will learn how to start your way in the Arabic language, learn Arabic grammar, vocabulary, and more.

Arabic Grammar For All. 

Another great YouTube playlist where Arabic grammar is made easy. Your kid gets to learn the complicated Arabic grammar in an easy way.


Challenges in Online Arabic Learning for Kids

The only challenge in my opinion when it comes to learning Arabic online is finding the best learning resources. But after reading this article it won’t be a problem for you. The second problem is finding the well and motivation to continue learning, so you have to be presetting and encourage your kids to keep learning.



Now you know the importance of teaching Arabic to your kids and how to do so. We also covered the best resources to help you reach your goal, so good luck.

Arab Academy can help you get started in learning the important language of Arabic. Our Arabic language courses are for all ages and skill levels! Sign up today!


That’s it for today’s article, if you still have any questions visit our website, Noor Academy. Feel free to share it if you found it helpful and comment below.



The post The Best Arabic Learning for Kids Online: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Noor Academy : Online Quran, Arabic, and Islamic Studies Classes.

from Noor Academy : Online Quran, Arabic, and Islamic Studies Classes


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